The Friday List


Hello and happy Friday! We are getting ready to head down to Sydney for tomorrow's North Sydney farmers market (see you there if you can make it!), so I won't linger here too long.

But before signing off, I just wanted to send my apologies for not posting a Friday List last week - we were busy getting ready for our Farm Kitchen lunch, plus our internet connection was moving at a snail's pace and I just didn't have the time or inclination to wait around for my favourite pages to load! Have a great weekend everyone, and happy reading (there are some goodies here below!).

Above are just a few pictures from our week here at the farm; my favourite flowers in my favourite vase, the deer looking pretty happy with lots of lovely feed all around, baking bread and butter pudding for a friend, a quiet day at home yesterday with Tom and a piccie of our Farm Kitchen guests arriving in style for a private booking this week.

The Friday List

I admit I have a bit of a crush on the French author of this blog Like a Strawberry Milk. She is just so cool, clever and, well, French. This post is my favourite of hers but the whole blog is chock-full of awesomeness. Grab a coffee and settle in for some top notch scrolling.

Don't we all love a pistachio cake, and this one with chocolate looks extra delicious

Gossip and cake with Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury gang

Armchair travel - South of France? Oh yes please. And this Portuguese B&B looks pretty incredible too. I'd quite like to have a pool like that one day...

This lobster-bake looks like one-hell-of-a-cool family gathering. Via a new favourite, Olive and Oak

Another new discovery for me this week is Australian blog Daydream Lily - not a great deal of food here but lots of bright, beautiful Australian design and homewares to drool over. Gorgeous.

The first completely waste free supermarket is about to open in Berlin - this place looks incredible!

This fantastic new website is an ever-growing directory to road side produce stalls around Australia. Such a cool idea.

The Cook and Curator is such a wonderful blog and source of information on our colonial food heritage. Seriously good reading to be had in here. I find myself lost in each post for ages.  -

Mini champagne cakes from the always beautiful/clever and inspiring My name is Yeh


  1. Thanks, Sophie!

    That bread and butter pudding looks outstanding, by the way. Maybe we can work out a trade. : )


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