The Friday List


Hello and happy Friday! Just before posting this I realised that I've fallen into a bit of a habbit of leading these Friday lists with a picture of flowers. Erm, I hope this isn't getting tired, and promise that after today I'll bring a bit of variety back. This bunch came entirely from our farm, not the garden, which, thanks to our overgrown poddy fawn is pretty much desolate in the flower-stakes, but the creek paddock in front of the house where once, as the story goes, two ladies had a market garden. Now all that's left are a few drifts of bulbs. So anyway, Tom and I spent the morning here yesterday, he in the creek with the dog, me collecting little branches of willow blossom, harvesting jonquils and daffodils and feeling a bit lucky to have scored such a cruisy day.  Then we drove in to pick up Alice from school and on the way home, stopped to watch the below lambs play in the setting sun. They were so sweet, Alice nearly convinced me to lamb-nap one. Nearly but not quite.

Here's hoping you all have lovely weekends planned. Tim and I are heading across the country in different directions today and tomorrow. He's on his way to Sydney for tomorrow's Pyrmont growers market (with, of course, loads of lovely Mandagery Creek Venison), while tomorrow morning I'm going west to the Trundle Bush Tucker day to do a couple of cooking demonstrations and have some bush tucker. The kids are hanging out with Mum and Dad. Thank goodness for them (and thanks guys!).

And happy Fathers' day to all the dads.

Just discovered this blog out of New Orleans and pretty happy about it too. Glazed and Confused is definitely one to bookmark.

Another new find this week, Outer Towners is my idea of blog heaven; lots of stories and beautiful images about creative, clever people living 'out of town'. Love love love this.

Check out this fancy al fresco dinner party...I'd love to do a smaller version of this come summer.  And I might just email out this little essay on how to be a good dinner party guest before hand. Or would that be annoying... probably. Definitely.

My favourite online store Olive & Clover turned one last weekend and I was there to are some of my piccies of the party over on the Olive & Clover blog.

Wholegrain beer mustard via Spoon Fork Bacon. Little jars of this stuff would make nice prezzies.

Roast pumpkin salad with raw macadamia hummus. Yummo. And grilled artichokes with salsa verde. Yes please.

This house is my idea of perfection. 

Am going to use the last of my fresh pecans (picked up at the Griffith market two weekends' ago) for this oat and pecan cake with vanilla, ginger frosting.

Oh hello, this is pretty great - Starving Artist is an illustrated 'cookblog'. And I would say it's awesome, but after watching this TED talk about putting the awe back into that oft overused word, will settle for inspiring and beautiful.

And still on things arty, if you happen to be in or around Orange from September 4-21, drop in to the below exhibition by the very lovely local artist Amelia Herbertson. Amelia painted the header for my blog and I adore her work (here's a little post from the archives about her studio and a recipe too!). I've not yet been to the Corner Store Gallery and Workspace so also can't wait check it out.


  1. Who could tire of such gorgeous flowers?! Hope your hubby isn't rained out- it's pouring here at the moment. I normally attend the growers markets (they're just down the road) but even this diehard is too warm curled up with a cup of tea on the lounge to venture out in this weather. It's a lovely list this week. I plan to spend the next little while clicking through all the lovely links. Have a good one!

  2. To have picked those flowers in your paddock is a wonderful this Sophie! Lovely links as many blogs and cool people and awesome photos and inspiring food, at times I don't know where to begin!? x

  3. Thanks so much for the link love!
    I'm so flattered!

    <3 Graham


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