I'm not sure they're so used to the chaos of cooking with and around our kids, but they're getting there! Here's another late Friday List - not all that comprehensive I know, but hopefully you'll find a few good reads in there. Have a great weekend, Sophiex
ps - Tim and Alice will be at Pyrmont Growers Market tomorrow and it promises to be a really great morning. Please head down (if in the area) and say hi! And, if Alice serves you, please check your change...

It's picnic season, and this line-up of recipes will get anyone reaching for the basket and thermos.
This comment, and many more about recipe posts, collected for our reading pleasure/bewilderment on this hysterical post via The Toast ....“I didn’t have any eggs, so I replaced them with a banana-chia-flaxseed pulse. It turned out terrible; this recipe is terrible.”
San Fransisco's Bar Tartine is famous for beautiful bread and big, flavourful food. I've never been, but after reading this post and this recipe for their sourdough. Am putting it on 'the list' of places to (one day) go.
Cannot wait to make this summer fruit madeira cake from Farmette
Am very keen to do this e-course.
72 ways food can change the world
Balsamic marshmallows and thyme roasted strawberry smores
This cauliflower salad looks beautiful
Love the Darth-I've a four year old obsessed with 'Star Wars'. Spent an hour last night hearing about how she will not being going to the dark side-ever.