The Friday List


Good morning, and here's another little Friday list for your weekend reading pleasure! Hope you all have lovely things planned. I'd love to spend much of the next two days curled up with a few good books and endless cups of tea but instead am en route to Rydal for another stint in the kitchen cooking for Mum's residential art classes. It'll be fun but not all that restful!

Tim instead, is heading to Sydney for Saturday morning's Northside Produce market, so if you are in the area-ish, go and see him for some of our beautiful Mandagery Creek Venison. Have a great weekend! Sophiex

I'd like to host and/or go to a dinner party like this one by the Forest Feast  or perhaps this potluck feast via A Daily Something.

The anatomy of the perfect breakfast in bed.

I am so excited to discover this new Australian blog; love the photography, the writing and the whole gist of The Dailys

Another great bloggy discovery this week; La Casa Sin Tiempo is full of stunning photography and great recipes. Tick.

Call me Cupcake goes to Iceland. Sigh.

Eat the brownie already... I loved this manifesto on eating via the Rookie.

And speaking of eating chocolate-y things. How beautiful is this tart!

When I get home next week, I'm so going to make a big batch of these whole wheat pop tarts 

Apparently, you are not interesting when you talk about these things... reading through the list, I realise I talk about a few of them quite often. That's a worry.

How to make sourdough bread from scratch - and it doesn't look too scary.

I was so thrilled to be able to profile one of my food heroes Tamsin Carvan on the blog this week. And then more so to be allowed another peek into her world via a Design Files feature on the lovely lady just the next day. 

And finally, I know I've mentioned this many times here before; but my Mum Annie really is a wonderful art teacher and next March (2015) will be heading over to Portugal (!!!!) to teach a residential art class in the Algarve (!!!). This really will be a wonderful experience - all the details can be found here.


  1. I'm just stopping after those incredible images of iceland! I don't need to read anymore today. Thanks for the link! x


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