The Friday List


Good morning! I'm writing from Rydal (above) on my last day of cooking here for Mum's art classes. Tomorrow I'm back home and I'm aching to see and hold my people. It has been a busy week, cooking for a big-ish group of lovely people, making them breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. But it's also been a treat - I've had five full days in the kitchen, time to develop new recipes, uninterrupted hours to work on techniques that have long eluded me (choux pastry I'm talking about you) and visit some local farms to collect recipes, words and photos for future blog posts. I have about 10 of these in the wings, waiting for time to edit, write and put them all together so please be patient - good things are coming, and soon!

In the meantime, here are a few things I enjoyed reading this week. Have a great weekend!

Armchair travel of the best kind - one of my favourite blogs goes to one of my favourite places. Oh Italy...

Swedish Chocolate cake from the always beautiful Call me Cupcake.

Freunde von Freunden is always great for a good read and I loved this interview with two Aukland-based-baker-sisters.

Oh my gosh - this post really is so beautiful. Go Annabelle! You are killing it (in a great way) with your new blog.

A really beautiful collection of images from one of my favourites, Babes in Boyland.

I’m a sucker for sweet yeasted definitely keen to try this one as soon as plums are back in season. 

Only a few weeks until cherry season starts! And this tart will be first off the rank or maybe a batch of these galettes.

I want to make every one of these sweet pies.

Loved this video so much and love Nowness so much. Makes me feel just a little bit cool when I watch their clips. 

And I know this is completely off topic - but Noel Pearson's eulogy for Gough Whitlam this week was the most moving and powerful speech I've heard in a long long time. Every Australian should hear it and feel proud.


  1. Great list of beautiful things as always Sophie. It is funny you should mention Noel Pearson's eulogy...I found it very moving too, it stopped me in my tracks :)

  2. This is my third time reading your Friday and I love it! I don' know where you find the time to not only track down all these great sites, but share them so regularly too! Looking forward to next week.

  3. Sophie every week I read your Fridays list & I ALWAYS find something I like. Thank you x

  4. A very good and informative article indeed . It helps me a lot to enhance my knowledge, I really like the way the writer presented his views. I hope to see more informative and useful articles in future.
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